What is a Hospitality House?
Roanoke is a medical community with several outstanding medical centers and limited affordable lodging for adult patients and their families.
Caregivers often must camp out in hospital waiting rooms, hallways, and in their cars. Hospital personnel observe that many very sick patients are more concerned about their family’s living situation than about their own recovery.
Many families of inpatients from local hospitals require lodging each night. In addition, dozens of outpatients with serious conditions and their caregivers need accommodations. The Roanoke Hospitality House would help alleviate this huge need for affordable, comfortable lodging and would also provide a loving community of support Day guests could stop by the Hospitality House and use common areas for food, laundry, television, or computers.
Staff and volunteers would be on site to assist the families who stay at the House, as well as the outpatients who come for day respite in between treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Referrals to The Roanoke Hospitality House could be made by staff at our local medical centers and providers.